
Monday, January 16, 2012

Question of the Week #6 - Senior Year!

So far, senior year has been going pretty well for me. Except for the fact that because of "senioritis" my grades our worse than ever, I'm doing just fine. I'm surprisingly stress free at this point now that I've finished and turned in all my applications. All I get to do now is wait :O

The schools I applied to, in order of preference:

University of Virginia

Virginia Tech

James Madison University

George Mason

"Unless you have been shot at by the Taliban, shut your mouth, war is hell."

1. Who drew the cartoon?
Jimmy Margulies, The Record of Hackensack, NJ

2. List and describe the key objects in the cartoon and describe what each represents:
Boy = Marines
Words = pee
Droplets at end = Taliban

3. What techniques or devices does the cartoonist use?


4. What issue or event does the cartoon deal with?
US Marines urinating on bodies of Taliban members

5. What is the cartoon's message?
The fact that the Marines urinated on those bodies is in return for "years of United States sacrifice in Afghanistan"

6. What is the cartoonist's point-of-view?
The soldiers were just doing this as a way of "blowing off some steam," per se. They have suffered in Afghanistan for so long and have seen horrendous things and they have all this built up hatred towards the Taliban that they thought this would be ok. 

Question of the Week #5 - Predictions

I think Romney will win the GOP race for the nomination because so far he has proven himself able to win both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary (which are both good predictors of who will win). Also, he is a strong candidate who can withstand any criticism that is thrown at him by his fellow competitors, unlike Gingrich who faltered under the pressure. However, even if Romney is able to win the nomination, I do not think he will win against President Obama. Romney, when compared to Obama, is not nearly as consistent in his ideas and has not really presented a valid solution to all our problems.

Iowa - Week of January 8

1. Who drew the cartoon?
Bob Englehart, The Hartford Courant

2. List and describe the key objects in the cartoon and describe what each represents:
Racing field/horse race - Iowa Caucus
Winner - Mitt Romney
Runner up - Rick Santorum
2nd Runner up - Newt Gingrich

3. What techniques or devices does the cartoonist use?
Symbolism - horse race symbolizes race for presidency

Caricature - Romney's features are really exaggerated
Juxtaposition - the men on horses are in the same order as the Iowa caucus results showed

4. What issue or event does the cartoon deal with?
Iowa caucus

5. What is the cartoon's message?
Romney came in first, with Santorum and Gingrich in a close second and third

6. What is the cartoonist's point-of-view?
Its not even about the politics anymore... people only care who wins or loses