
Sunday, October 16, 2011

Question of the Week #3: Obama's Report Card

Health care: A
I actually like the Affordable Care Act, and I think Obama has achieved a lot by actually getting it to pass. The bill bans lifetime limits and dropping your coverage when you need it the most, helps cover young adults on their parent's plan, prohibits discriminating against children with pre-existing conditions, and restricts the use of annual limits. For those who call this socialized medicine or believe that government will take over health care, Obama has this to say: "The Affordable Care Act puts people, not health insurance companies or government, in charge of health care. The new law strengthens the existing employer-based health insurance market while making the market fair for consumers by implementing landmark consumer protections. Families and individuals that don't have access to affordable coverage can receive tax credits to help them purchase coverage in the private health insurance market. There is no government-sponsored, public, or "single payer" plan in the law."

Dealing with the economic downturn: B-
Although Obama has tried a lot to help out the economy, we're still not doing as well as we could be - however, that is not entirely his fault. The biggest problem with bipartisan politics is that each party wants it their way, and no one wants to compromise. Obama tries and tries to pass bills that will please both parties, like his new Jobs Act, but nothing happens. I think the Congress and Obama need to work a little harder and find a solution to this problem, because arguing is getting us nowhere!

War on terror: A
I think Obama has done a really good job so far. He has shifted the focus of the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan, signed an order to end prisoner torture at Guantanamo Bay, provided better body armor for our troops, restructured military command and deployed additional troops to Afghanistan, ended the "stop-loss" policy that kept soldiers overseas past their enlistment dates, provided the Department of Veteran Affairs with more than $1.4 billion to help America's veterans, improved conditions at Walter Reed, changed the war strategy in Afghanistan (limits aerial bombing and prioritizes aid, development of infrastructure, diplomacy, and good government practices by Afghans), improved pay and benefits for military personnel and veterans, killed Osama bin Laden and other notable terrorists, etc. etc. Though all these things may not be directly related to the War on Terror, they impact those involved in many ways. In any case, Obama has done a lot more than past presidents have to better conditions. 

Reelection bid: B-
As of the 13 of October, Obama has raised $70 million for his reelection (not including PACs), leading his Republican rivals by tens of millions of dollars. However, I wish he would be as prominent and "out there" as the Republicans are. Although he is doing well, I don't see a lot or hear a lot from him, and so I would give him a B-. President Obama has faced months of declining polls numbers, largely due to the economy. 

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