
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Why I'm Disappointed In America (Current Event #1)

Don't get me wrong... I'm your average, run-of-the-mill, red-blooded American, but sometimes I just don't see eye-to-eye with the rest of the country. Specifically, I'm talking about people making fun of poor Chris Christie. It is SO SHALLOW to think that he would make any less of a president just because he is 300 pounds. Doesn't anyone think about how this may all affect him psychologically or emotionally? And I thought bullies matured after high school.....

Some of the worst jokes I heard went something like this:
"Forget Iraq, lets invade Ihop,"
"No vetos, more cheetos,"
"The solution to the budget crisis starts with supper,"
"The cabinet will now have a Secretary of Cake."

Did I mention that when you go to Google "Chris Christie," some of the most heinous suggestions come up? This is absolutely disgusting...
"Chris Christie fat bastard"
"Chris Christie fat slob"
"Chris Christie fat jokes"
"Chris Christie fat pig"
"Chris Christie fat photos"

I'm disappointed in you, America. The man said he doesn't want to run for president, so just leave him alone! As for Letterman, he has another thing comin'. Christie can lose weight, but unfortunately, you just can't fix stupid.

(Edit 9 pm: I don't mean to generalize.... This is not in any way supposed to be a representation of all Americans)

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I understand your frustration with America. It's totally out of line that Christie is based solely on his weight and not on his qualifications for president. It's sad that people have to make comments like "Chris Christie fat bastard" but I think it's important to keep in mind that not everyone feels that way. Not all Americans are as ignorant and judgmental. I don't know much about Chris Christie but I do know that not everything is what it seems and a "fat" president doesn't mean a bad president.