
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Do unborn babies have rights too?

Since I'm already procrastinating on doing calc homework I might as well tackle another issue.... does a woman have a right to kill a baby? Does that baby, after conception, even have any rights? 

We talked about this a little in Graney's class a couple weeks ago. Imagine this scenario.... a pregnant woman is walking down the street and is mugged and knocked to the ground. In the process, her baby is killed. Should the mugger be charged with murder??

I say yes. That mother *wanted* her child, which was taken from her, and so the mugger must be punished. So what if he didn't intend or mean to kill the baby? We don't base punishments on intent, because if we did everyone would get off scot-free.

However, can this same scenario be applied to abortion? A woman is essentially killing her child, which everyone should assume has a desire to live, and so she is no better than the mugger. Should abortion be punishable? I wish there was an easy answer to all these questions....

The issue of abortion is enough to make me want to cry. How anyone can think of hurting a child is beyond my imagination. I do understand that sometimes it is absolutely necessary, but being 16 and pregnant is not one of them. Critics of abortion claim that the fetus can feel and "responds violently to painful stimuli, needle puncture, and injection of cold & of hypertonic solutions." Giving a baby an deadly injection is no better than shooting someone in their sleep. 

There is scientific evidence that 18 days after conception a baby's own heart starts to beat. On or around day 22, the baby's heart beats with its own blood. Is that not enough to make him a real human being? How do you possibly justify killing a baby after hearing that?

All you pro choice people out there.....Have you ever heard of suction aspiration abortion? How about a D and C abortion? D and E? Probably not. Let me outline them for you...

Suction aspiration is performed between 6-12 weeks, and the baby is literally "vacuumed" or sucked out of the cervix, tearing its little body into pieces. 

In a D and C abortion the pathetic, excuse for a doctor who performs this goes in there with a knife, dismembers the baby, and then sucks the pieces of the body out.

In a D and E abortion, performed in the SECOND TRIMESTER (when the baby's pain sensing organs are fully developed) "forceps are inserted into the uterus to forcibly dismember the fetus. The skull is then crushed and removed. A suction aspiration is then introduced to remove any remaining fetal parts, the placenta and uterine lining."

I could go on and on about this. Does anyone else feel the pain I feel when I read this? Speak up. Let America know that we WILL NOT allow this genocide to continue.

1 comment:

Meg's Blog said...

You mentioned in one of your other posts that the only good reason to have an abortion would be to protect the health of the mother. What about in the case of rape or incest?