
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Question of the Week #4: Virginia's Biggest Issue

From personal experience, I would say the biggest issue in Virginia right now is traffic control....the worst downside to living so close to an urban area and a technological hot-spot. 

22.7% of people working in DC commute from Northern Virginia alone, 13.2% of which are from Fairfax County - you can just imagine how hard it is to get to work on time amidst all the traffic. After NYC, DC has the second highest percentage of public transit commuters in the United States!

Virginian politicians are known to put traffic at the top of their agendas, and rightly so! Lucky for us, the Metro is creating a direct line from Reston to DC. However, for those within DC, traffic can be a nightmare. Because the city is so old, the streets are narrow and run in a grid-like pattern, which make them an absolute pain to drive through. The slightest change in weather upsets the entire balance, and delays ranging anywhere from a couple minutes to a couple hours are commonplace.

If politicians desire election or reelection, it is in their best interest to find a solution to the transit problems in NOVA/DC. Some people's jobs rely on being able to get there in a timely fashion ........ As for the rest of us, we just avoid DC as much as we can!

1 comment:

Erin East said...

You hit the nail on the head. Traffic around here is so painful. I really think the silver line will improve traffic flow around here, especially during rush hour.